


ヴィメオでカウチモードでもご覧いただけます !

Nadav Mizrahi インタビュー

films pour enfants ブログで紹介させていただいた監督たちへ共通の短い質問をお送りしています。好きな映画やキャラクター、音楽などの質問から、監督たちのイマジネーションの裏側が少し見えてくるかもしれません。御協力いただいたアーティストの皆様へ感謝いたします。

Parental Childの監督Nadav Mizrahiさんへの質問です。

インタビュー: Nadav Mizrahi 2015/09/06

1- もっとも影響を受けた架空のキャラクターは?


2- もっとも怖かった架空のキャラクターは?


3- 1番会ってみたい架空の人物は?

あ!簡単!: "He-Man".

4- 生まれ変わってみたい架空の人物は (^_^) ?


5- 住んでみたい架空の世界は?


6- 住みたくない架空の世界は ?


7- 架空の世界でどんな役割をやりたい?

指輪物語の"ガンダルフ" のような魔法使い。

8- もっとも古い記憶の架空の世界は?


9- あなたの好きな言葉は?

英語で"Chillax" Chill(のんびりした)とRelax(リラックス)の組み合わせ。同級生が教えてくれた。

10- 良く聴く音楽は?



1-The fictional character you have most been touched by ?

In fact, one of the last ones I saw is the one I loved the most. "Sadness" in the film Inside Out.

2-The fictional character you have most been scared by ?

"Chucky" the serial killer doll.

3-The fictional character you would most like to meet ?

Oh that's easy : He-Man.

4-The fictional character you would most like to be reincarnated as (^_^) ?

Storm from X-Men.

5-The fictional world you would most like to live in ?

I think this is the question with unlimited answers. If you 're gonna tell me to pick only one, I think I will go for Alice in wonderland. It seems fun and creepy. I like it. In a second thought, I would go for dungeons and dragons TV series for sure ! Each day is a different world.

6-The fictional world you would least like to live in ?

Manga worlds. Not fun for me.

7-The role you would most like to have from a fictional work ?

Every magician like Gandalf from the lord of rings. Magical powers basically.

8-The fictional world you remember most from your Childhood ?

The Wizard of Oz.

9-Your favorite word ?

Chillax - combination of Chill and Relax - my classmate as told this once.

10-The music you want to listen now ?

You made me want to find all the intros of  TV shows and listen to them with my brother.

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